Friday, July 30, 2010

Last words.

Hey people, this might be my last post in this blog. Our project has officially ended, our group will no longer post much on this blog. Alternatively, u can still contact us on our facebook fan page. We'll be on facebook almost all the time. Anyway, thanks for supporting our blog, twitter and facebook page. I guess this is goodbye. God bless. (:


Selena Gomez FANs!!

Hello people, this is Selena Gomez's new hit. Hope you guys will like it. Enjoy <3


Thursday, July 29, 2010

The last Step

Hey people! This is going to be my last post in the blog and I would like to appreciate all of you who have helped us contribute in the blog. It has been a great time blogging about music and through this, we can see that we all have a different view about music. All the group members posted different kind of videos and we also had some emphasis on the upcoming biggest celebration of Singapore's National Day.
Finally, i would like to thank everyone and finish of this post. Thank you:)
Enjoy your lives with music!!

Closing in

Hello, it is my last post here. I will not be talking much about music in this post and it is more of a conclusion.I feel that my group have done well.Goodjob! As for the music lovers, continue to support the music industry.Wish everyone out there goodluck and have fun with your lives.


Leona lewis rocks

Hi once again.Today i will present two video sang by Leona.Sit back and enjoy.

For the first video, i like the lyrics.THe amv is also so dramatic.Even though it is only recently that i hear her songs, i was wondering why i would miss out this singer.Oya, the theme song of avatar is also sang by her.The second video is the theme song for final fantasy 13~(american version). Nice games always introduce nice songs and vice versa, so its like a double kill.Its late and im signing off.


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ready for National Day?

Hey readers, once again thanks for supporting our little blog project. Just to reiterate, please join our facebook group and follow us on twitter. You do so by clicking the icons on the sidebar. Anyway, as you know, National Day is coming soon. This is the theme song for this year. Hope you guys will enjoy. Thanks.


From anime to music

Hey, this is my fourth post here.Another two more post to go yay~. Today's video is the piano version of angel beats ending theme song. For those who watch the anime, you will know why this song is sad yet funny. Back to the main topic, anime songs are pretty nicely composed too. They are mainly in Japanese.Well, that aside, this guy has pretty decent piano skills.Enjoy his play.
